Partnership with Qufu Shaolin Martial Arts School, China
Qi China International,is pleased to announce the establishment of a shared partnership with the Qufu Shaolin Martial Arts School, China.
This partnership aims to promote broader / international understanding of and knowledge about the great heritage of Shaolin Gong Fu [Kung Fu], and also about the related traditional Daoist Internal Arts (Taijiquan; Bagua Zhang; Xingyiquan), and will provide international study and training opportunities.
Qufu Shaolin Martial Arts School, China
The institute for training traditional Shaolin Kung Fu under Shaolin monks in China.
Qi China International – Martial Arts is pleased to announce a shared partnership with the Qufu Shaolin Martial Arts School of Master Shi Yan Jia, 34th Generation Shaolin Warrior Monk, and Disciple of the Venerable Abbot Shi Yong Xin, Head of the Shaolin Temple [Henan Province]. The School is located in the historic city of Qufu (eastern Shandong Province), hometown of the great Chinese philosopher, Confucius.
For more information please visit our Supporting Organisations page.
Grandmaster Chee kim Thong biography website address
The most authoritative on-line website biography of Grandmaster Chee Kim Thong can now be viewed through visiting:
This website provides the most fully, properly referenced, martial arts biographical details of Grandmaster Chee Kim Thong (Xu Jin Dong) that is available on the internet.
Chinese New Year Lantern festival video clip
In early 2008 Qi China International Chief Instructor, Shifu Alan Tinnion, provided three demonstrations of traditional Chinese internal and external arts by special request of the organisers of the prestigious Bournemouth 2008 Chinese New Year Lantern Festival.
A video montage of images from the event.
Bournemouth area classes
We are pleased to offer tuition / classes in the Bournemouth (Bournemouth University) area: these instructional services are provided directly by Shifu Alan Tinnion. To receive fuller details please call 07931 282 615 or 01202 766 273. absolute beginners, or those with some prior experience, are most welcome to join.
Bournemouth University classes and BU Sports Department Instructional courses
A number of training classes and Qi China university instructional coures are available: for fuller details please contact BU Sports or visit their website.
Qi China International operates other classes and provides private tuition services for members only in the Bournemouth - Poole (our main UK base) area and neighbouring districts, as well as in other areas of Southern England
Note re Annual membership fee: 1st January - 31st December: £35: 1st July - 31st December: £20. Student Applicants: Reduced annual memembership fee on production of a valid student ID Card: £20
Statement: re title 'Grandmaster'
Notice concerning current threats to traditional Chinese martial arts lineages:
‘My Master was awarded the title of ‘Living National Treasure of the Peoples Republic of China’ in his lifetime.
Out of respect for my Master and the memory of my Master, I consider the assumption of the title of ‘Grandmaster’ by his disciples / acolytes to be entirely inappropriate, and entirely at variance with the ancient and Authentic traditional Chinese martial arts traditions by which such titles were accorded.’
QUOTE: Shifu Alan Tinnion. Inner Chamber Disciple of Grandmaster Chee Kim Thong.
Further background information on this topic can be found on this website; some details are provided below:
As regards ‘masters,’ the contemporary world possesses but few who meet the strict criteria used of old, but many who of necessity disingenuously (or genuinely through ignorance of the significance of the title), use it in order to gain students and found and run Chinese martial arts schools.
Sadly for the unwary and inexperienced students of these ‘masters,’ the glory and genius of the lineages and arts their teachers affect to use (but in fact insult) are never truly known or experienced; being in fact tarnished 'improved / simplified' versions, created by those whom the authentic great grandmasters and grandmasters of pre-contemporary times would only have regarded as 'pseudo' masters, unqualified to represent their own lineages.
‘Do not alter the arts I have taught! They are not my arts, nor yours, nor even my masters and their masters, masters, but belong to the lineage, Not to a single person! Do Not alter them!’